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Consumers face challenges due to the inherent perishability of produce.
Report freshness issues (ie, produce spoils too quickly or doesn't stay fresh).
Report quality issues (ie, produce has poor taste, bad quality or is bruised).
Case study
Here’s a recent example: a U.S. retailer ordering Apeel-Protected Avocados wanted to increase sales by offering a riper avocado on the shelf, but was concerned about potentially increasing waste. We worked with them to confidently market and brand more ripe and ready-to-eat avocados, capturing customers’ attention with a value proposition that no other brands could offer. Over 12 weeks, the retailer changed the specifications for their average pressure reading of the avocados from 8psi to 5psi. This experiment yielded a 21% increase in sales without any considerable increase in wastage – that’s the kind of confidence you can have with Apeel.
The battle for consumers’ attention today is fierce, and we know that the fresh department is where they formulate their opinion of the store itself. With Apeel, you can differentiate your produce department with a selection that guarantees shoppers get the quality they’re looking for.
We’re here to help

Interested in connecting with us at Apeel? Contact us.