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Digitize Ripeness Management to Unlock Category Improvements
Unlock ripeness data to boost category performance
Uplevel your business with data-driven insights
Gain more efficient and accurate readings of ripeness through quantified digital measures of key quality attributes.
Increase visibility and accountability with software that aggregates quality data across the value chain, delivering real-time program diagnostics to better plan for variability.
Derive actionable insights that inform decisions to confidently deliver the quality of produce your customers want.
Measure firmness more accurately
Digitize inspections across the supply chain
Instantly capture and store quality data as part of the measurement process, without additional manual steps. Build a baseline for spec performance to improve over time.
Execute data-based category strategies
Efficiently filter insights, set ripeness targets, and assess performance across your operations. Keep quality control teams accountable and diagnose issues based on week-over-week or facility differences.
Maximize customer satisfaction and quality predictability
RipeTrack enhances quality predictability in outbound shipments to maximize customer satisfaction and revenue. • Reduce Rejections • Assure In-spec Shipments
RipeTrack digitizes the in room assessment process to maximize data-backed decisions. • Improve Performance • Navigate Seasons • Reduce Rejections
RipeTrack digitizes QC procedures for inbound and outbound shipments to maximize efficiency. • Supplier Coordination • Increase Efficiency • Make Informed Decisions
RipeTrack enables category-level monitoring to maximize consumer experience. • Ripeness Visibility • Inform Action • Maximize Sales

Learn more about RipeTrack for your business

Reach out to demo RipeTrack, and learn how the one-stop system for ripeness management can maximize your category performance.